Saturday, September 17, 2011

I've always known You, but I've only just met You

     Every once in a while I will experience this indescribable feeling. It usually comes when I'm outside; when the sun is rising early in the morning after it has rained all night and suddenly everything begins to shine, or on a cold, rainy day when a sudden gust of wind causes everything in its path to fly. I am always alone, without any particularly pressing matter on my mind, and for just a few moments I feel that glorious, exhilarating feeling. I don't want anything or anyone else; I just want to hold onto it and have it last forever. It's makes me feel as thought I would burst with joy and I all I want to do is run and sing and shout and fly. Then the moment passes and everything feels empty. Now and again when I think about it, I realize that I'm really just trying to get through the days until I experience it again; never knowing when it will come, but always hoping that it will be soon.

     I've often been told that God is the only one that will truly satisfy me. That when we went to Heaven we would spend eternity standing in God's presence singing praise to Him. I felt guilty because that sounded horribly boring to me. I tried to imagine it and saw a bunch of people standing around, sometimes milling about, lacklustrily singing hymns forever. And if anyone were to ask me to describe satisfaction, I couldn't do it. It was little more than a lifeless object that couldn't be conceived. I realized that it wouldn't be like that, and that we really would be satisfied and happy forever, but I simply couldn't conceive it, and consequently it meant little or nothing to me. To be perfectly honest, there were times when the idea of Heaven filled me with dread. It sounded so utterly boring. However, the other day it suddenly clicked.
     That feeling that I experience sometimes is God revealing just a tiny portion of His majesty to me. He knows that words cant come anywhere close to describing Him, so He showed Himself in a way that could be understood.