Monday, January 9, 2012

Pondering A Puzzling Predicament

Classes just started up again for the semester and for my online English class we were required to make a post on the discussion board introducing ourselves and telling a little bit about our families, interests,etc. A difficulty that many Christian students face is whether or not they should openly profess Christ without their beliefs being asked directly. Doing so would very likely cause a negative backlash from others in the class and even discrimination from the teacher. It is not unheard of that professors will flunk a student simply because he stood up for what he believed in. Some, like Dr. Jason Lisle from Answers In Genesis, would say that for the sake of a passing their classes, Christian students should not volunteer their religious beliefs until after they have graduated.
It seems to me though that there isn't one answer for everyone. God has different plans for different people and I think there are some who he wants to speak up and others whom he doesn't.Maybe it is His plan that a person gets flunked out for proclaiming their faith in Him, though that's not to say that they necessarily will. Whatever the outcome, God can use it to influence the lives of others and bring glory to Himself.

In most cases, I feel that God wants me to speak up. I have received negative reactions, ironically the most overt of which came from a Catholic, but it has also given me an opportunity to witness to my fellow students. While I never actually shared the gospel, I acknowledged and defended my beliefs on issues like evolution and embryological stem cell research, clearly taking my stance as a Christian. Throughout it all there was one positive reaction, which was encouraging more because of its openness and lack of hostility rather than any interest. This came from a woman, also from a Catholic background, who I shared several classes with. She seemed open to the idea of a creator, but, as she put it, "could definitely see how some of the people she knew could have come from an ape". I hope and pray that she will come to know Christ.

For now I will keep on saying whatever I feel the Lord leading me to say.